AI for personalized dementia prevention and care
K. Kumagai, N. P. Miyake, M. Otake-Matsuura (Conveners)
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AbstractParticipants: S. Stock (Germany), H. Ozono (Japan), H. Horie (Japan), S.Saiki (Japan), and K. Kumagai (Germany/Japan). ISSUE The increasing number of people with dementia has become a global issue. Dementia is a disease in which brain function begins to decline before the onset of symptoms, but is diagnosed when it interferes with daily life (Hansson et al., 2021). Therefore, the timing of noticing the problem may be delayed, or the areas of daily life in which problems occur vary, depending not only on the individual's living environment and habits, but also on their unique personality and characteristics. In such a background, while many technologies for preventing and supporting people with dementia are moving toward practical application, there is also a growing need for technologies that give more personalized prevention and care. AI (artificial intelligence) technology and ICT (information and communication technology) are attracting attention as tools to realize personalized care. CONTENT This symposium invites researchers who are developing systems including AI and ICT related to preventing dementia and maintaining and improving cognitive function. The speakers are both conducting research in countries where the increasing number of dementia patients is an issue: Japan or Germany. This symposium covers technologies that can be used at home: the platform for analyzing drawing-based neuropsychological assessments, a dialogue system with a virtual agent (VA) and robot, and applications that allows such systems to feel more familiar for users. STRUCTURE Ozono will talk about a system that integrates a VA listening system with a user’s information, health data, a dialogue manager, and sensor data to enable the support and monitoring of elderly individuals at home. Horie will share about the developed "Reminiscence Conversation Service" (Omoide- Kaiwa service), to provide opportunities for daily conversation among elderly people without burdening caregivers. The images searched and displayed by the services are interesting for the person and encourage conversation. Sai ki will present EVIDENT, a system platform for analyzing drawing-based neuropsychological assessments. Kumagai will propose a robot system that is the basis for generating a method for effective communication with dementia patients and caregivers regarding dementia based on the aggregated diagnostic and living data of dementia patients. Stock will introduce an E-Health Platform developed to aim to make personalized treatment strategies.Keywords: dementia prevention, artificial intelligence, information and communication technology, personalized care
K. Kumagai, N. P. Miyake, M. Otake-Matsuura (Conveners) (2024). AI for personalized dementia prevention and care. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1