Moving from principles to practice: navigating responsible AI-assisted decision-making in the care for older adults
D. R. M. Lukkien, S. Ipakchian Askari, N. E. Stolwijk, B. M. Hofstede, H. H. Nap
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AbstractThe use of AI-based technologies such as decision support systems (AI-DSSs) could support caregivers of older people in assessing and diagnosing care needs, as well as planning, implementing and evaluating care strategies (Buchanan et al., 2020; Martinez-Ortigosa et al., 2023). However, it is broadly acknowledged that the deployment of AI-based technologies in healthcare creates ethical and social challenges (Morley et al., 2019). In recent years, there has been a growing prevalence of high-level guidelines and frameworks to provide guidance on responsible innovation in AI-based technologies. However, current guidelines still leave much room for interpretation (Hagendorff, 2020) and only a few studies specify how AI-based technologies can be responsibly embedded in specific contexts such as the nursing process in the long-term care (LTC) (Lukkien et al., 2023). Therefore, we iteratively explored from a multi-stakeholder perspective how AI-DSSs can be responsibly developed and deployed to support nurses and other stakeholders in the long-term care for older adults.Keywords: decision support system, artificial intelligence, ethics, responsible innovation, long-term care, nursing practice
D. R. M. Lukkien, S. Ipakchian Askari, N. E. Stolwijk, B. M. Hofstede, H. H. Nap (2024). Moving from principles to practice: navigating responsible AI-assisted decision-making in the care for older adults. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 4-4