Co-designing a decision support system for longterm healthcare: An interactive session
N. E. Stolwijk, S. Ipakchian Askari, B. Hofstede, H. H. Nap
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AbstractWhen designing and developing technology different types of design approaches can be used to gather insights on the user needs (Sanders, 2006). One of these approaches is co-design, in which one actively involves (potential) end users and stakeholders (Sanders and Stappers 2008). Using such an approach ensures that the end-user and thereby their needs and insight receive a key role in the development of the technology, ensuring that the technology matches their needs (Sanders and Stappers 2008; Vargas et al. 2022).Keywords: decision-support system, dementia, co-design, long term health care
N. E. Stolwijk, S. Ipakchian Askari, B. Hofstede, H. H. Nap (2024). Co-designing a decision support system for longterm healthcare: An interactive session. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 5-5