Telepresence robots in mental health care to enable digital participation: A qualitative exploratory pilot study
M. Schmidt, L. Küsters, B. Klein
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AbstractThe rapid increase in technological development over the last years (Birkner 2021, 629) has highlighted the need for action to ensure equal digital participation for all individuals. This includes people with mental health disorder (clients), who can achieve a higher level of independence if the technologies are designed for their benefit (Garcia & Filatr 2022, 189). Therefore, the Distr@l research study 'EmpowermentAssistant' focused on identifying the conditions for the successful use of a telepresence robot for the target group. The primary objective was to enable the clients to acquire and strengthen their digital skills and to benefit from digital participation. Assisted living facilities in various settings were chosen as the deployment location. The telepresence robots were used in two one-person apartments and in an assisted living group with 15 clients. The medical diagnoses of the clients included endogenous psychoses, such as schizophrenia and affective disorders, such as depression or mania. The different support needs of the clients were addressed through individual support planning from a person-centered perspective (Schreiber 2010, 15).Keywords: telepresence robot, mental health, digital participation, empowerment, assistive technologies
M. Schmidt, L. Küsters, B. Klein (2024). Telepresence robots in mental health care to enable digital participation: A qualitative exploratory pilot study. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1