Assessing VR technology adoption and use among mid-life and older adults
K. T. Huang, J. Francis-Levin, C. A. Ball
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AbstractThe Covid-19 pandemic is said to have been a catalyst for virtual reality (VR) adoption (Osterland, 2020). Older adults in the U.S. were among those who adopted technology at an unprecedented rate during the pandemic. Currently, there is research to suggest that VR may have significant social, cognitive, and health benefits for older adults in particular (Huang, 2020; Ball, Huang, & Francis, 2021) but there is still little information on older adults’ adoption and use of VR.Keywords: Virtual reality, VR acceptance, VR technology use, VR perceptions
K. T. Huang, J. Francis-Levin, C. A. Ball (2024). Assessing VR technology adoption and use among mid-life and older adults. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1