Human-follower mobile robot with high payload for cross-domain assistance using shared autonomy
A. E. Könnecke, R. Harmann, E. G. Kaigom
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AbstractRelocating heavy payloads during removals in home settings or in parking of supermarkets might cause physical stress on the human body and affect health of older adults. Whereas fully autonomous social navigations of robots carrying payloads to assist humans remain a challenge (Navarro, et al., 2024), scripted robot motions fail to adapt to dynamic goals and unpredicted events. We therefore address robotized payload carrying while following a human by leveraging on shared autonomy (Guiffo Kaigom, 2023). Our objective is to combine cognitive human skills and machine intelligence for smart and decent transportation of a wide range of payloads (up to 70 Kg) in multiple domains with negligible efforts, comfort, and self-fulfillment for humans. This assistance benefits from the ability of upskilled mobile robots to spatially track goal-oriented (e.g., collision-free) and dynamic motions of a human to reach unknown locations while carrying a payload. Conversely, humans can contextualize, supervise, and adjust the robot behavior to accommodate events the robot is not aware of and meet highly personalized objectives. Resulting symbiosis thus supports the self-determination of older adults.Keywords: mobile robotics, AI, human tracking, autonomous following, payload carry support
A. E. Könnecke, R. Harmann, E. G. Kaigom (2024). Human-follower mobile robot with high payload for cross-domain assistance using shared autonomy. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1