Designing tutorials to AUGMENT mobility for aging adults with cognitive impairment
N. Charness, M. Prevratil, D. Kossowska-Kuhn, H. Na
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AbstractOlder adults and particularly those with cognitive impairment (CI) from Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Post-stroke Cognitive Impairment, and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) report difficulties with navigation in addition to experiencing general memory problems (Prevratil et. al., 2023). The AUGMENT (Augmenting User Geocoordinates and Mobility with Enhanced Tutorials) project, a development project within ENHANCE, is designing instructional packages to assist impaired older adults to use popular navigation software focusing on Google Maps and Uber.Keywords: cognitive impairment, usability, navigation, tutorial design
N. Charness, M. Prevratil, D. Kossowska-Kuhn, H. Na (2024). Designing tutorials to AUGMENT mobility for aging adults with cognitive impairment. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 3-3