Developing a mobile health medication self-management system for persons with mild cognitive impairment
R. A. Mudar, W. A. Rogers, J. K. Lee, K. C. Insel
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AbstractMild cognitive impairment (MCI) is characterized by mild impairment in one or more cognitive functions and is associated with an increased risk for failure to take prescribed medications. A study found that 49% of persons with mild cognitive impairment (PwMCI) report difficulty remembering to take medications (Campbell et al., 2016). An underlying deficit in prospective memory contributes to such medication nonadherence (Woods et al., 2008). A strategy to support medication adherence for PwMCI is to leverage the advances in mobile health (mHealth) technology to fosters medication self-management by tapping into preserved skill learning and procedural memory (De With et al., 2021; Gobel et al., 2013). A theory-based, mHealth system called Medication Education, Decision Support, Reminding, and Monitoring (MEDSReM) has been developed to support medication adherence in cognitively normal older adults. For such mHealth system to be beneficial for PwMCI, it has to be carefully designed/adapted to meet the unique capabilities and limitations of this population. We will present how we addressed the unique needs for mHealth technology use in this population of PwMCI based on user-centered design to inform the redesign of MEDSReM to develop the Medication Education, Decision Support, Reminding, and Monitoring-Memory (MEDSReM-M) system.Keywords: medication adherence, persons with mild cognitive impairment, mHealth, heuristic evaluation, cognitive walkthrough, needs assessment
R. A. Mudar, W. A. Rogers, J. K. Lee, K. C. Insel (2024). Developing a mobile health medication self-management system for persons with mild cognitive impairment. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 4-4