Benefit and usability of a senior tablet and an emergency smartwatch for older adults and their relatives: Results from a prospective user study
S. Mayer, P. Wiegel, M. Fotteler, B. Kohn, F. M. Verri, D. Dallmeier, M. Denkinger
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AbstractAssistive technologies (ATs) have the potential to promote quality of life and independent living of older adults but also to relieve the burden of caregivers and relatives. However, evidence on effectiveness of ATs in the real-world application remains scarce. We conducted a prospective, exploratory user study to test the perceived benefit and satisfaction with different ATs in the real-world environment.Keywords: assistive technology; older adults; caregiver; benefits; usability
S. Mayer, P. Wiegel, M. Fotteler, B. Kohn, F. M. Verri, D. Dallmeier, M. Denkinger (2024). Benefit and usability of a senior tablet and an emergency smartwatch for older adults and their relatives: Results from a prospective user study. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1