Exploring the physical, social and educational benefits of virtual reality exergame for people with dementia through co-designing to promote hand hygiene and influenza vaccine uptake
W. Sun, Z. Husain, T. Crasto, S. Saunders, F. Rahman, S. Pistritto, S. Omlin, J. Calver, R. Inguino, A. Quevedo
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AbstractThe purpose of this project is to develop an educational exergame for people with dementia (PWD) and their caregivers to practice effective handwashing through the use of virtual reality (VR), while delivering educational content related to infection control, and evidence-based resources to educate them about the importance of influenza vaccination. Our objective aims at examining the meaning and value of utilizing educational and social exergaming for PWD in the community and institutional settings, and to explore its physical, social, and educational benefits, including hand hygiene practices and influenza vaccine uptake.Keywords: dementia, exergame, hand hygiene, influenza vaccine, co-design
W. Sun, Z. Husain, T. Crasto, S. Saunders, F. Rahman, S. Pistritto, S. Omlin, J. Calver, R. Inguino, A. Quevedo (2024). Exploring the physical, social and educational benefits of virtual reality exergame for people with dementia through co-designing to promote hand hygiene and influenza vaccine uptake. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1