Usage and acceptance of digital health among Dutch physiotherapists: a cross-sectional study
C. J. J. Kloek, P. A. S van de Hoef, C. Veenhof
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AbstractDigital health is a broad and ever-changing field with technologies that can fulfill a variety of purposes (e.g. diagnoses, measurement, coaching, assisting, replacing). Just like other health care professions, physiotherapists are facing challenges related to the ageing population, shortage of personnel and available resources. Worldwide digital health is seen as one of the solutions in handling these challenges. With the arrival of international and national digital health statements, guidelines and competence frameworks, technology is not just for the geeks, but is supposed to be used by the majority. The purpose of this study is to gain a general overview of nowadays usage of different types of digital health, and the acceptance and attitude towards digital health, among Dutch physiotherapists.Keywords: digital health, technology, ehealth, telemedicine, physiotherapy
C. J. J. Kloek, P. A. S van de Hoef, C. Veenhof (2024). Usage and acceptance of digital health among Dutch physiotherapists: a cross-sectional study. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1