Bridging participation and work in a mature and older people community on Facebook in Brazil
E. Kohlrausch, M. A. S. Nascimento, J. Doll
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AbstractBrazil is undergoing accelerated demographic change and it will have the sixth oldest population in the world by 2050 (UN, 2022). Although the unemployment rate in Brazil is decreasing (PNAD Contínua, 2024), older adults, who represent 15% of the labor market, face many difficulties in remaining or returning to the formal job market, having to find alternative ways of earning income or staying active and productive. In this sense, this research aims to investigate the participation of Brazilian people aged 50 and over in an online community on Facebook focused on exchanging experiences and information about work in later life. We argue that the use of digital platforms can be a means of raising awareness about the scenario of the Brazilian labor market. Online groups can be a place to find job opportunities, expand social networks, develop skills for (re)insertion into the market, as well as being a channel for publicizing and conducting business among other mature people. This shows the growing inclusion of previously less technology-oriented groups (older workers) in the digital world; on the other hand, digital technology enables new social and organizational forms. Social participation is made possible through the use of digital technology.Keywords: participation, work, online community
E. Kohlrausch, M. A. S. Nascimento, J. Doll (2024). Bridging participation and work in a mature and older people community on Facebook in Brazil. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1