Co-construction of a Canadian virtual reality technology to manage pain and anxiety in palliative care units in the province of Quebec
A. Moreno, S. Belhouari, C. Rigoulat, E. Côté, A. N. Dieumen
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AbstractStudies have demonstrated the usability, feasibility, and acceptability of virtual reality in palliative care (Martin et al., 2022). Virtual reality has proven efficacy with positive effects in the reduction of pain, tiredness, drowsiness, shortness of breath, depression, and improvement in psychological well-being (Mo et al., 2023; Moloney et al., 2023). This consultation process aims to conduct the first iteration of a virtual reality technology to be tested in palliative care. The intervention called “Come with me" uses high-quality 360-degree (5K) video content and ambisonic sound developed by a Canadian start-up in Montreal, Quebec (Nipper Media).Keywords: gerontechnology, AgeTech, palliative care, virtual reality, end-of-life, family caregivers, older adult, aging
A. Moreno, S. Belhouari, C. Rigoulat, E. Côté, A. N. Dieumen (2024). Co-construction of a Canadian virtual reality technology to manage pain and anxiety in palliative care units in the province of Quebec. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1