The relationship between neurocognitive impairment, technology experience, and mobile device proficiency: A cross-sectional exploratory study in older adults
A. Moreno, T. Chatzikostopoulos, I. Spantidakis, C. Rigoulat, E. Côté, A. N. Dieumen, & CIMA-Q
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AbstractTo explore the technological experience and competence with mobile devices in a group of older adults from the province of Quebec, Canada. Understanding current use of technology can help researchers, scientists, clinicians, and the industry to promote their use among dyads of family caregivers and older adults with unimpaired cognition (Moreno et al., 2024a) and individuals with dementia (Moreno et al., 2024b).Keywords: gerontechnology, AgeTech, dementia, major neurocognitive disorder, older adults, technology experience, mobile devices
A. Moreno, T. Chatzikostopoulos, I. Spantidakis, C. Rigoulat, E. Côté, A. N. Dieumen, & CIMA-Q (2024). The relationship between neurocognitive impairment, technology experience, and mobile device proficiency: A cross-sectional exploratory study in older adults. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1