Gerontechnology: 30+ years of research and application – Where do we stand today?
H.-W. Wahl, B. Klein, W. A. Rogers, O. von Stryk, N. Charness, M. Jokisch
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AbstractWhat does a period of more than 30 years typically mean in interdisciplinary research concerned with human aging? Starting with this general question, this Round Table will make an effort to review the achievements and gaps in gerontechnology, a research area now more than 30 years of age, if we take (pragmatically) the volume “Gerontechnology”, edited by Bouma & Graafmans (1992), as a major starting point. The International Association for Gerontechnology was founded soon after in 1996. New challenges today are the climate crisis and wars and the associated challenges for ageing societies.Keywords: Gerontechnology, current state, gaps and improvements needed, gerontology, geriatric medicine
H.-W. Wahl, B. Klein, W. A. Rogers, O. von Stryk, N. Charness, M. Jokisch (2024). Gerontechnology: 30+ years of research and application – Where do we stand today?. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1