Advancing healthy aging in times of sustainability: The role of lower-limb exoskeletons in gerontechnology
R. Gavrila Laic, M. Firouzi, R. Claeys, I. Bautmans, E. Swinnen, D. Beckwée
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AbstractAnchored in the World Health Organization's perspective on aging—which advocates for the preservation of functional abilities essential for well-being in later life—this review scrutinizes the role of intrinsic capacity (IC), spanning cognitive, psychological, locomotor, sensory, and vitality dimensions. Moreover, it considers the environmental dynamics that shape older adults' operational capabilities. Amidst global challenges, such as demographic shifts and healthcare crises, the mobility of older adults emerges as a pivotal concern. This review seeks to fill the research void on the comprehensive effects of LLE on IC and functional abilities, evaluating how LLE technology can support active aging, mitigate injury risks, and foster a more autonomous community of older adults in the face of sustainability and crisis challenges. It aims to unfold the capacities of LLE interventions to revitalize IC, enhance functional abilities, and navigate the complexities of aging, thereby offering insights into the expansive utility of LLE beyond conventional rehabilitative and assistive scopes.Keywords: healthy ageing, lower-limb exoskeletons
R. Gavrila Laic, M. Firouzi, R. Claeys, I. Bautmans, E. Swinnen, D. Beckwée (2024). Advancing healthy aging in times of sustainability: The role of lower-limb exoskeletons in gerontechnology. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1