Low power activity monitoring using accelerometer data from an inertial measurement unit (IMU)
D. Helmer, R. Weil, L. Hahn, H. Hinkelmann, T. Hollstein
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AbstractActivity monitoring of elderly people and geriatric patients can help improve their physical and mental fitness, prevent illness, detect emergency situations, and accelerate the recovery process. The goal of this project was to develop and implement a holistic concept in which people´s physical activity can be measured, and their type of movement recognized. This data should be recorded in regular time intervals, so the behavior of a person, in dependence on the time of the day, can be interpreted later. The data should be acquired by and stored on a microcontroller with the ability to operate for at least one week without the need of recharging or data streaming. A small device size is also required, to increase user acceptance and usability.Keywords: activity monitoring, accelerometer, IMU, Node-RED, BLE
D. Helmer, R. Weil, L. Hahn, H. Hinkelmann, T. Hollstein (2024). Low power activity monitoring using accelerometer data from an inertial measurement unit (IMU). Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1