Active ageing in a community-based living environment
E. Førsund, J. C. Torrado, S. E. Fæø, H. Reithe, M. Patrascu, B. S. Husebo
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AbstractThe purpose of this project was to explore a community-based living environment for older adults, located in rural surroundings in Norway called Helgetun. It aims to promote active ageing by facilitating social, mental and physical participation and consists of 31 rental apartments, in addition to several shared facilities and common areas. Residents can partake in arranged activities including gardening, choir, workout groups, hiking, dance and a book club. Additionally, a chef comes ones a week to prepare a shared meal, and a personal trainer organizes a weekly workout session. The environment is highly independent, with no external health personal connected, and the residents choose their own house board, and arrange and organize most activities themselves. The aim of our research was to investigate how this living environment functioned compared to theory, by looking at how it has affected residents’ activity levels and social engagement and identify factors important for facilitating active ageing. During data collection, the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, allowing us to investigate how the participants experienced this crisis.Keywords: age-friendly environments, community-based, older adults housing
E. Førsund, J. C. Torrado, S. E. Fæø, H. Reithe, M. Patrascu, B. S. Husebo (2024). Active ageing in a community-based living environment. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1