Gerontechnology - Beyond Ergonomics and Universal Design
J.L. Fozard
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AbstractThe increasing rate of aging of the world population is paralleled by an increasingly rapid change in the technological environment that supports activities related to family, work, education and leisure. The analysis of person-environment interactions is, accordingly, ever more dynamic. One implication is that applications of ergonomics and universal design related to products and environments that compensate for age-associated limitations in physical and cognitive functioning will become more complex and probably shorter-lived. Moreover, because some age-associated functional limitations may be delayed or prevented, gerontechnology should now emphasize technology developments that support lifestyle and environmental interventions that alter the usual course of aging.Keywords: aging; prevention of functional limitations; universal design; ergonomics
J.L. Fozard (2002). Gerontechnology - Beyond Ergonomics and Universal Design. Gerontechnology, 1(3), 137-139