Israel's elderly population: a general survey of health, independence, and technology
L.R. Normie
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AbstractIsrael possesses a national health system that gives particular fiscal priority to older citizens. In addition, a diverse range of services for the elderly is provided by non-government organizations, including the application of technology to address functional and quality of life needs. The private sector, as well, is proactive in the development of innovative technologies for the benefit of older people, many of these initiatives being government supported. This communication presents a broad overview of the current state of the Israeli health system from the point of view of older people, discusses some examples of technology-based services for the elderly, and describes some local R&D initiatives in the field of gerontechnology.Keywords: Israel; Health Care Technology; Assistive Technology
L.R. Normie (2002). Israel's elderly population: a general survey of health, independence, and technology. Gerontechnology, 1(3), 190-197