Preview Gerontechnology 2002: Creative use of technology for better aging
N. Charness, S.J. Czaja, A.D. Fisk, W. Rogers
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AbstractGerontechnology 2002, the 4th international conference of the International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG) will be held on November 9-12 in Miami Beach, Florida, USA. This communication contains a preview on a summary of the keynote speeches. Overall focus is on 'Creative use of technology for better aging', and will encompass themes that span the challenges of adulthood.Keywords: better aging; technology; creative use; adulthood
N. Charness, S.J. Czaja, A.D. Fisk, W. Rogers (2002). Preview Gerontechnology 2002: Creative use of technology for better aging. Gerontechnology, 1(3), 198-202