Technology for care as a self-directed learning process
R.F.M. Kleissen
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AbstractOver the last decade innovative economic processes have developed that were impossible before the advent of modern information and communication technologies (ICT). Successful applications of ICT, for instance internet banking, show how such innovative processes inevitably change tasks, roles and responsibilities of the participants in these processes. Telehealth and telecare aim at exploiting the potential of ICT to improve the quality of life of the client, his/her immediate environment and the quality of work of the care professional. This paper presents a vision of how ICT can support client centered care. It proposes a care process that encourages clients to become more independent from professional care and take more responsibility for managing health problems. The design of this process assumes that care is a self-directed learning process and that tasks, roles and responsibilities of all actors and ICT tools can be defined accordingly.Keywords: cure; care; self-directed learning; ICT tools
R.F.M. Kleissen (2007). Technology for care as a self-directed learning process. Gerontechnology, 6(3), 164-168