Elder abuse in parts of Africa and the way forward
C.J. Mba
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AbstractDespite their acknowledged social and economic contributions, as well as their role in traditional and cultural affairs, many older adults in Africa experience abuse and are largely excluded in socio-economic and political affairs. The processes of modernization and urbanization are beginning to erode the traditional social welfare system of Africa, the extended family. The abuse and violence against older persons and their vulnerability to financial exploitation is a key challenge faced by many African countries. Older persons, particularly women, have to care for their dying children and orphaned grandchildren. They suffer from financial hardship and social isolation thereby endangering their health. To prevent population aging from becoming an economic and social problem, adequate, timely and dynamic measures should be implemented at international, national and local levels. Because the increase in the elderly population tends to lead to an increase in pension and health costs, active measures for employment and social protection should be implemented to ensure the sustainability of public finances. The overwhelming majority of elderly persons in Africa, especially older women, has no formal education that would have secured them employment in the competitive job market, and would guarantee them social protection in old age. Consequently, subsequent education and employment of this sector of the population can play a pivotal role in furnishing social security and ameliorating elder abuse in the coming years. Provision of online education to African older adults, and employing them to index African cultural heritage will among other things empower them with skills to spread awareness about elder abuse and making them more self-sufficient.Keywords: abuse; Africa; older adults
C.J. Mba (2007). Elder abuse in parts of Africa and the way forward. Gerontechnology, 6(4), 230-235