E-health promotion for aging baby boomers in North America
D. Sinden, A.V. Wister
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AbstractThis paper focuses on the use of the Internet for health information and behaviour change. Specifically, it examines and reviews the current trends and issues connected to baby boomers in Canada using the Internet for accessing health information. We explore their opportunities and limitations as a target generation for e-health; considerations in serving diverse populations; issues of health literacy; e-health tool design and motivational impact; barriers to reaching offline boomers and strategies to reduce these barriers; and review several common e-health tools. The unique characteristics of this generation, including their high internet utilization rates and desire for health information make them a prime target for e-health tools.Keywords: e-health; baby boomers; behaviour change; internet; Canada
D. Sinden, A.V. Wister (2008). E-health promotion for aging baby boomers in North America. Gerontechnology, 7(3), 271-278