Macro- and micro-perspectives
H. Bouma
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AbstractMacro-perspectives from statistics of substantial numbers of ageing people are the mainstream in gerontechnology as in other learned human studies. However, macro-conclusions tend to abstract and thus distance themselves from the down-to-earth experiences of real ageing people. Microperspectives from case studies of a limited number of people are the exception in research, because of limited or unknown generalisation of results. However, their attraction is the focus on concrete end results in the lives of at least a few real ageing people. The media rather than the scientists are clever at exploiting the micro-approach. The cleft between macro- and micro-views is not easy to bridge, but it is argued that in the scientific macro-approach, perspectives for real ageing people should always remain in focus.Keywords: macro; micro; media; statistics
H. Bouma (2009). Macro- and micro-perspectives. Gerontechnology, 8(1), 1-2