Durability and residual moisture effects on the mechanical properties of external hip protectors
S.P. Applegarth, T. Bulat, S. Wilkinson, S.G. Fitzgerald, P. Quigley, S. Ahmed
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AbstractAn investigation into the mechanical properties of two types of hip protectors, after repeated launderings, was conducted at the VISN 8 Patient Safety Center in Tampa, Florida. A hybrid soft/hard protector and a soft foam protector were used in this study. Both sets of hip protectors were washed and dried in increments of 25 laundering cycles and then impacted in the laboratory. Results indicated that there was a decrease in protective properties with the hybrid protector as the number of launderings increased. In addition, the dome shaped outer shell of this hybrid protector became significantly less pronounced which would allow the transmission of more of the impact force into the greater trochanter. The soft protectors began to show the same downward trend as the hybrid protectors but suddenly reversed when the experimental protocol was altered. These unusual results lead to further testing of the effects of residual moisture content inside soft foam protectors. Data from the subsequent impact tests indicated that indeed residual moisture does play an adverse role in a soft protector’s ability to attenuate force. Results from these experiments should lead one to assure that hard shell protectors keep their protective shape and that soft foam protectors are adequately dried before use.Keywords: hip protectors; durability; fall impacts; hip fracture; mechanical testing
S.P. Applegarth, T. Bulat, S. Wilkinson, S.G. Fitzgerald, P. Quigley, S. Ahmed (2009). Durability and residual moisture effects on the mechanical properties of external hip protectors. Gerontechnology, 8(1), 26-34