Gerontechnology as a field of endeavour
H. Bouma, J.L. Fozard, J.E.M.H. van Bronswijk
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AbstractOur technological environment is the silent basis for the many activities that implement the goals of daily life. Yet, in our daily environment, technology is taken for granted; so much so that the purposes of later life, such as optimal health and independence, may seem distant from technology. But if we wish to enhance the quality of later life, we must direct our efforts also toward improving and extending products, services, and infrastructure of the rapidly changing technological society in which we are aging. Human ageing is the scientific domain of gerontology and geriatrics (GG). Using innovative technology to prevent or repair the challenges of aging requires collaboration between the disciplines of human ageing and the disciplines of technology. An earlier matrix representation of this gerontechnology (GT) shows what methodology and insights are already available in such crossfertilization. An example is the concept of ‘technology generation’, a combined fruit of sociology and technology. The classic approach of disciplines is to focus on the own development with less attention to the environment in society in which fruits are to be reaped. But already there is enormous advancement in available technology options for supporting health, compensating for functional and social restrictions, and supporting care. Examples include multiple applications of distance communication through the Internet, most of which are recent and still extending. In order to accelerate advantages and diminish mismatches, advances should be controlled rather than left to chance. An impact matrix will illuminate innovative technologies that serve well-defined purposes in the domains of daily life. The combined efforts of GG and innovative technology have immense promise for our ageing society.Keywords: erontology; geriatrics; technology; health; prevention; innovation
H. Bouma, J.L. Fozard, J.E.M.H. van Bronswijk (2009). Gerontechnology as a field of endeavour. Gerontechnology, 8(2), 68-75