Vol. 19, No. 4 (Created November 2020)
Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD
ISSN: 1569-1101
EISSN: 1569-111X Table of Contents
(Open Access)

(Total download counts : 16857)
Original ResearchOlder Asian immigrants’ perceptions of a health-assistive smart home pp1-11

(1)Roschelle L. Fritz PhD RN FAAN*, (1)Connie Kim Yen Nguyen-Truong PhD RN Alumnus PCCN, Jacqueline Leung JD MS CHW, Junghee Lee PhD, Christine Lau MA CACDI, Cang Le BS, Jane Kim MEd, Keith Wong BA, Thai Hien Nguyen BSN RN, Tuong Vy Le MS BS, Jennifer I.
( Download counts: 1600 )
Development and validation of a scale to measure older adults’ information technology acceptance pp1-7

Mehdi Basakha PhD, Seyed Hossein Mohaqeqi Kamal PhD*, Tinie Kardol PhD, Gholamreza Ghaedamini Harouni PhD
( Download counts: 4469 )
Examining younger and older adults' digital gaming habits and health measures pp1-10

Ulla Bunz PhD*, Juliann Cortese PhD, Nicholas Sellers PhD
( Download counts: 691 )
Feasibility of the cognitive assessment of nursing home residents with mild-to-moderate cognitive impairment using the intelligent voice-guided digital assistant THALIE: A pilot study pp1-9

Patricia Sagaspe PhD*, Véronique Lespinet-Najib PhD, Sylvie Poulette PhD, Jean-Christophe Vasselon, Amélie Roche PhD, Colette Fabrigoule PhD, Thierry Le Brun MD, Anne Bessous MD, Emilie Fouchier, Camille Montagut, Morgane Ledoux, André Joly PhD, Pierre Ph
( Download counts: 4932 )
Complementary and alternative medicine in an online support group for people with Alzheimer’s disease pp1-7

Sean N. Halpin MA*, Kathleen Len BS
( Download counts: 352 )
Modular smart furniture system for independent living of older adults- user experience study pp1-13

Sari Merilampi DSc, Anja Poberžnik BSc*, Santeri Saari BSc, J. Artur Serrano PhD, Jörg Güttler PhD, Katharina Langosch PhD, Thomas Bock PhD, Ling Zou PhD, Trine A. Magne MSc
( Download counts: 2671 )
ReviewThe impact of ‘technology generations’ on older adults’ media use: Review of previous empirical research and a seven-country comparison pp1-19

Loredana Ivan PhD*, Eugène Loos PhD, Ioana Bird PhD
( Download counts: 1629 )
Case StudyUsability of self-guided mixed reality fall risk assessment for older adults pp1-7

Katherine L. Hsieh PhD, Ruopeng Sun PhD, Jacob J. Sosnoff PhD*
( Download counts: 513 )