Editor: Johanna E.M.H. van Bronswijk PhD EurProBiol
Table of Contents
(Open Access)
(Total download counts : 38240)
ISG Business
ISG*ISARC2012 news pp185-185 
J.E.M.H. van Bronswijk, G.J. Maas
( Download counts: 1107 )
ISG-Sinophone Chapter pp185-186

Y-L. Hsu
( Download counts: 1011 )
Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, new associate-editor pp186-186

Y-L. Hsu
( Download counts: 1278 )
Bo Xie PhD, new associate-editor pp186-186

B. Xie
( Download counts: 2035 )
CorrespondenceApplying GentleCare to older adults with dementia (Reply) pp183-185

J.J. van der Plaats
( Download counts: 1319 )
Original ResearchPersonal emergency response system (PERS) alarms may induce insecurity feelings pp140-145

M. Boström, S. Kjellström, B. Malmberg, A. Björklund
( Download counts: 1823 )
Portable electromyography: Application for understanding muscle function of daily life in older adults pp146-156

O. Theou, S.H. Bruce, K. Roland, G.R. Jones, J.M. Jakobi
( Download counts: 12883 )
Personal characteristics and the law of attrition in randomized controlled trials of eHealth services for self-care pp157-168

O.A. Blanson Henkemans, A.M.C. Dumay, W.A. Rogers
( Download counts: 11158 )
The design of intelligent in-home assistive technologies: Assessing the needs of older adults with dementia and their caregivers pp169-182

S. Czarnuch, A, Mihailidis
( Download counts: 2116 )
ReviewSocial-structural lag revisited pp129-139

A. Peine, L. Neven
( Download counts: 1848 )
EditorialThe gerontechnology engineer pp125-128

J.E.M.H. van Bronswijk, R.D. van der Vlies, M. Brink
( Download counts: 1662 )