ISG Journal

Dr. Jeungok Choi is an Associate Professor in the Elaine Marieb College of Nursing at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She has a Master of Public Health (MPH) from Tufts University with concentrations in Biostatistics and Epidemiology and a PhD in Nursing from Boston College. She had a postdoctoral research fellow training in Nursing and Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University School of Nursing sponsored by Reducing Health Disparities through Informatics Research Training Program (NINR T32NR07969). Through her entire research career, she has been seeking for ways to improve chronic disease management for older adults from underrepresented backgrounds such as Asian older adults with low-literacy skills. Her approach is to use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to improve long-term adherence to the chronic disease management instructions. Her research has focused on web- and mobile-based CBT education for older adults with arthritis associated fatigue symptoms. She has worked on many projects funded by the NIH NINR and by various foundations and private organizations. Her publications have foci related to web- or mobile-based CBT education, nursing students’ competency, and machine learning/AI. At the University of Massachusetts Amherst, she has been involved in developing and teaching core DNP courses: Informatics for Nursing Practice, Intermediate Biostatistics, and Research Methodology in Nursing. She has advised many DNP students in their capstone projects. She is an academically and clinically trained statistical consultant through mentored consultation training and teaching experience. Dr. Choi is Board of Director and Chair of the Communication & Information Technology Committee, the Global Korean Nursing Foundation, and an active member of the International Special Interest Group (SIG) National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence (NHCGNE).

Thomas Linner is a Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and the Regensburg School of Digital Sciences at OTH Regensburg (Germany). Dr. Linner’s activities centre for close to 20 years on R&D, systems engineering, and innovation management for advanced construction and building technology for future smart and resilient cities - with a special focus on assistive technology and construction robotics.

Dr. Linner was a senior scientist and lecturer in building realisation and robotics at Technical University of Munich (TUM), and in 2021 Guest Associate Professor at the Department of System Design Engineering at Keio University, Japan. Dr. Linner has extensive experience with the coordination of complex multi-partner R&D and technology transfer projects situated at the intersection between research and industry.

Dr. Linner has been an invited speaker at universities such as the University of Tokyo, The University of Hong Kong, and Cambridge University. He has received several awards and grants, including a Japanese Center of Excellence Grant. Currently Dr. Linner serves as the convenor of DIN/NA 023-00-07 and ISO/TC 314 WG2, and as Vice President of the International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC). In November 2019, he received the CEN-CENELEC Standards + Innovation Award 2019, and in January 2021 he was appointed by DIN to its presidential committee.

Dr. Linner has extensive experience in the acquisition of large funding projects and R&D contracts/investments on national and international level. He is also a regular evaluator for projects in national and international funding schemes, serves as a reviewer for several international conferences and Journals, is active as an editor of high-profile proceedings and Journals, and holds several patents and board of director memberships.

Dr. Linner has authored almost 200 publications, amongst others the Cambridge Handbooks on Construction Robotics series.

Gerontechnology Vol 19, No 4 is fully published now. This issue contains six original research papers, one review paper, and one case study. For more details please go to our official website:

To ensure website security, we applied the SSL certificates for all ISG related websites including the ISG website, Gerontechnology journal website, and an updated journal handling system. You are very welcome to explore all our websites.

All articles published in Gerontechnology are immediately open access to the public upon publication and free to download on our journal website. For more information, please go to our website

Gerontechnology receives papers from diversified fields including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults, addressing problems of the aging society though solutions to the same problem may be from entirely different technological fields. Please submit your valuable manuscripts online through

If you have any questions, please contact with Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology at:

Have a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Gerontechnology Vol 19, No 3 is fully published now. This issue contains seven original research papers, one review paper, and one student paper. For more details please go to our official website:

In addition, the ISG2020 conference issue is now published with DOI applied for each one-page paper, including 52 oral session papers, 45 poster session papers, and 61 symposia papers. For more details please go to our official website:

All articles published in Gerontechnology are immediately open access to the public upon publication and free to download on our journal website. For more information, please go to our website

To ensure maximum efficiency, all articles are now published online only. In cases where a printed version is needed, we can still provide the hard copies on demand.

Gerontechnology receives papers from diversified fields including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults, addressing problems of the aging society though solutions to the same problem may be from entirely different technological fields. Please submit your valuable manuscripts online through

In addition, we look forward to receiving full papers for researches presented in the ISG2020.

If you have any questions, please contact with Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology at:

More information about Gerontechnology, please visit

Gerontechnology Vol 19, No 2 is fully published now. This is a special issue dedicated to Dr. Neil Charness, the Grandmaster of ISG. This issue contains one editorial, five original research papers, and one commentary. For more details please go to our official website:

All articles published in Gerontechnology are immediately open access to the public upon publication and free to download on our journal website. This is made possible by an article-processing charge (APC) that covers the range of publishing services we provide. For more information, please go to our website

To ensure maximum efficiency, our journal will cancel the printed publication and all articles will be published online only from Vol 19 No 3 (Sep 2020). In cases where printed version is needed, we can still provide the hard copies on demand.

Gerontechnology receives papers from diversified fields including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults, addressing problems of the aging society though solutions to the same problem may be from entirely different technological fields. Please submit your valuable manuscripts online through

If you have any questions, please contact with Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology at:

More information about Gerontechnology, please visit

Dr. Teh Pei Lee, new associate editor for Gerontechnology
Dr. Teh Pei Lee is an Associate Professor and Head of Department (Management) at the School of Business, Monash University Malaysia. She is also the Director of Gerontechnology Laboratory in Monash University Malaysia. She holds the degrees of Bachelor of Information Technology, Master of Management, and a Ph.D. in Management. Her teaching and research interests cover Management Information Systems, Technology Management, Total Quality Management, Knowledge Management, Entrepreneurship, Gerontechnology, Innovation and Learning.

Dr. Teh’s research profile is interdisciplinary. Her work appears in top-tier journals such as Information & Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, International Journal of Production Research, Expert Systems with Applications, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Journal of Computer Information Systems, among others. Her research has received the backing of local and international public and private institutions, with grants of more than RM10 million. Notably, she has served on projects commissioned by the Prime Minister's Office’s Economic Planning Unit (EPU), Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), SIME DARBY Research Sdn Bhd and etc.

Dr. Teh has a proven record for academic leadership. She is currently serving as the Associate Editor of the Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education (DSJIE) and International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB). She also serves in editorial board of several international journals and conferences such as Journal of Computer Information Systems, Industrial Management & Data Systems, International Journal of Engineering Business Management, International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design (affiliated conference of Human Computer Interaction International Conference) and International Conference on Electronic Business. She founded the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Technology and Engineering Management Society (IEEE TEMS) (formerly known as Technology Management Council), Malaysia Chapter, under the auspice of which she hosted the Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) 2014 Conference. She was the Chapter Chair of IEEE TEMS from 2014 to 2019. Dr. Teh has taken strong initiative to develop the area of gerontechnology in Malaysia. She founded the Gerontechnology Laboratory in Monash University Malaysia in 2016, the first of its kind in Malaysia. Under her leadership, the Gerontechnology Laboratory successfully hosted the first and only Gerontechnology Symposium (2017, 2018, 2019) and Gerontechnology Challenge (2018) in Asia, brought together academia, industry, government and NGOs to speak about the amalgamation of geriatrics and technology. In 2019, the Gerontechnology Laboratory was chosen to be a highlight of the AACSB ICAM “2019 Innovations That Inspire” challenge.

Dr. Teh is a recipient of the National Outstanding Educator Award 2019 [National Outstanding Researcher Award (Management and Gerontechnology)], the Engagement, Innovation and Impact (EII) Overall Excellence Awards 2018, Best Full Paper Award (Human-Computer Interaction International Conference, 2017), Best Full Paper Award (British Academy of Management, 2016), Honorable Mention Award (IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2013), PVC’s Award for Excellence in Research (2012). She is also a regular invited speaker at different academic institutions and international conferences.

Gerontechnology, the official journal of the International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG), was founded in 2001. This is the first international scientific journal devoted to the domain of gerontechnology. Gerontechnology Vol 19, No 1 is fully published now. The printed copies will be delivered to the subscribers next week. This issue contains four original research papers and one case study. For more details please go to our official website:
All articles published in Gerontechnology are immediately open access to the public upon publication and free to download on our journal website. This is made possible by an article-processing charge (APC) that covers the range of publishing services we provide. For more information, please go to our website

Gerontechnology receives papers from diversified fields including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults, addressing problems of the aging society though solutions to the same problem may be from entirely different technological fields. Please submit your valuable manuscripts online through

If you have any questions, please contact with Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology at:

More information about Gerontechnology, please visit

Gerontechnology, the official journal of the International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG), was founded in 2001. This is the first international scientific journal devoted to the domain of gerontechnology. Gerontechnology Vol 18, No 4 is fully published now. The printed copies will be delivered to the subscribers next week. This issue contains four original research papers and one case study. For more details please go to our official website:
All articles published in Gerontechnology are immediately open access to the public upon publication and free to download on our journal website. This is made possible by an article-processing charge (APC) that covers the range of publishing services we provide. For more information, please go to our website

Gerontechnology receives papers from diversified fields including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults, addressing problems of the aging society though solutions to the same problem may be from entirely different technological fields. Please submit your valuable manuscripts online through

If you have any questions, please contact with Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology at:

More information about Gerontechnology, please visit

Gerontechnology, the official journal of International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG), was founded in 2001. This is the first international scientific journal devoted to the domain of gerontechnology. Gerontechnology Vol 18, No 3 is fully published now. The printed copies will be delivered to the subscribers this week. This issue contains one review paper, three original research papers and one case study. For more details please go to our official website:
All articles published in Gerontechnology are immediately open access to public upon publication and freely to download on our journal website. This is made possible by an article-processing charge (APC) that covers the range of publishing services we provide. For more information, please go to our website

Gerontechnology receives papers from diversified fields including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults, addressing problems of the aging society though solutions to the same problem may be from entirely different technological fields. Please submit your valuable manuscripts online through

If you have any questions, please contact with Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology at:

More information about Gerontechnology, please visit

Gerontechnology, the official journal of International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG), was founded in 2001. This is the first international scientific journal devoted to the domain of gerontechnology. Gerontechnology Vol 18, No 2 is fully published now. The printed copies will be delivered next week to the subscribers. This issue contains three original research papers and two student papers. For more details please go to our official website:
The journal uses delayed open access for online research papers (embargo of 12 months or 4 issues) and immediate open access for our subscribers. For more information of individual or institutional subscription, please refer to

Call for papers
Gerontechnology receives papers from diversified fields including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults, addressing problems of the aging society though solutions to the same problem may be from entirely different technological fields. Please submit your valuable manuscripts online through

If you have any questions, please contact with Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology at:

More information about Gerontechnology, please visit

Gerontechnology, the official journal of International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG), was founded in 2001. This is the first international scientific journal devoted to the domain of gerontechnology. Gerontechnology Vol 18, No 1 is fully published now. The printed copies will be delivered next week to the subscribers. This issue contains five original research papers and one case studies. For more details please go to our official website
The journal uses delayed open access for online research papers (embargo of 12 months or 4 issues) and immediate open access for our subscribers. For more information of individual or institutional subscription, please refer to

Call for papers
Gerontechnology receives papers from diversified fields including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults, addressing problems of the aging society though solutions to the same problem may be from entirely different technological fields. Please submit your valuable manuscripts online through

If you have any questions, please contact with Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology at: More information about Gerontechnology, please visit

Gerontechnology, the official journal of International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG), was founded in 2001. This is the first international scientific journal devoted to the domain of gerontechnology. Gerontechnology Vol 17, No 4 is fully published now. The printed copies will be delivered next week to the subscribers. This issue contains five original research papers and one case studies. For more details please go to our official website
The journal uses delayed open access for online research papers (embargo of 12 months or 4 issues) and immediate open access for our subscribers. For more information of individual or institutional subscription, please refer to

Call for papers
Gerontechnology receives papers from diversified fields including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults, addressing problems of the aging society though solutions to the same problem may be from entirely different technological fields. Please submit your valuable manuscripts online through

If you have any questions, please contact with Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology at: More information about Gerontechnology, please visit

The 11th IAGG Asia/Oceania Regional Congress 2019 will be held October 23-27, 2019 in Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), Taipei, Taiwan. This congress is held every four years and is one of the most important international activities aimed at promoting the health and wellbeing of older adults in Asia.

This is the very first time that “Gerontechnology” Track is included as one of the major themes at IAGG. This track contains 26 sub-topics ( We are now calling for 300-word abstracts and the submission system is now live. Please be noted that the due date for abstract submission is March 3, 2019.

For more information, please refer to the official website of IAGG 2019:

Gerontechnology, the official journal of International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG), was founded in 2001. This is the first international scientific journal devoted to the domain of gerontechnology. Gerontechnology Vol 17, No 3 is fully published now. The printed copies will be delivered next week to the subscribers. This issue contains four original research papers and two case studies. For more details please go to our official website:
The journal uses delayed open access for online research papers (embargo of 12 months or 4 issues) and immediate open access for our subscribers. For more information of individual or institutional subscription, please refer to

Call for papers
Gerontechnology receives papers from diversified fields including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults, addressing problems of the aging society though solutions to the same problem may be from entirely different technological fields. Please submit your valuable manuscripts online through

If you have any questions, please contact with Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology at: More information about Gerontechnology, please visit

Gerontechnology, the official journal of International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG), was founded in 2001. This is the first international scientific journal devoted to the domain of gerontechnology. Gerontechnology Vol 17, No 2 is fully published now. The printed copies will be delivered in middle August to the subscribers. This issue contains five original research papers. For more details please go to our official website:
The journal uses delayed open access for online research papers (embargo of 12 months or 4 issues) and immediate open access for our subscribers. For more information of individual or institutional subscription, please refer to

Call for papers
Gerontechnology receives papers from diversified fields including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults, addressing problems of the aging society though solutions to the same problem may be from entirely different technological fields. Please submit your valuable manuscripts online through If you have any questions, please contact with Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor in chief of Gerontechnology at: More information about Gerontechnology, please visit

Yeong-Ran Park is a Professor at the Department of Silver Industry, Kangnam University, Korea. She received her Ph. D. in Social Welfare from the University of Washington, U. S. A.(1995), and was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the University of Oregon(2006). She worked as a Research Fellow at the Korean Women’s Development Institute where she conducted research projects on social policy and services from a gender perspective(1996~2003). She has worked extensively with the central and local government agencies and the NGOs on aging policy and program developments in Korea. She served as an advisory member to the Presidential Committee on Aging and Future Society, a task force member of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare on the issues of the Babyboomers, a board member of the Help Age Korea and a program advisor for the Korean Association of Senior Centers and a board member of the Korean Academy of Gerontology. She recevied the Minister’s Award from the Minitry of Health and Social Welfare for her contributions in the field of active aging(2013). She served for five years as the President of the Korean Association of Products and Services for Senior Citizens(KAPASS), She is currently the President of the Korean Chapter of the International Society for Gerontechnology. She has published research papers and books on the topics of long-term care, gender dimensions of aging, social network , active aging and smart care. Her primary research interest is in gerontechnology and care. Email:

Dr. Colleen Galambos, is the Helen Bader Endowed Chair in Applied Gerontology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She holds several prominent leadership positions including Secretary- General of the North American Chapter of the International Society for Gerontechnology, and Chair of the Aging Specialty Practice Section Committee for the National Association of Social Workers. Formerly, she served as Editor-in-Chief for Health and Social Work Journal and the Journal of Social Work Education. A prolific scholar, she has coauthored 3 textbooks and published over 100 articles. Dr. Galambos’ research interests include care transitions and advance care planning, health and long term care systems quality improvement, and interprofessional practice. Her gerontechnology research focuses on technology that assists in early illness detection and aging –in-place. She has also co-authored articles on health information technology. Most recently, she worked as an investigator on several research projects aimed at improving long term care, funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, National Institutes of Health, and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, totaling over $37 million dollars in grant support. She is a fellow of the Gerontological Society of America and a National Association of Social Workers Pioneer.

(2018-04-26). Gerontechnology 17 (suppl). the conference issue/book of abstracts for ISG's 11th World Conference of Gerontechnology, is now fully published online, including an editorial, and abstracts of keynote addresses, symposia, papers, posters and round-tables. All abstracts are open access immediately; the issue may be found at .There is still time to register and attend the conference taking place May 7-11, 2018 at the Hilton Bayfront Hotel, 311 1st Street, St. Petersbury, Florida USA. For program details or to register , please go to

Copyright © |2016|12|International Society for Gerontechnology|, All rights reserved.

Gerontechnology, the official journal of International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG), was founded in 2001. This is the first international scientific journal devoted to the domain of gerontechnology. Gerontechnology Vol 17, No 1 is fully published now. The printed copies will be delivered in early April to the subscribers. This issue contains one review paper and five original research papers. For more details please go to our official website:
The journal uses delayed open access for online research papers (embargo of 12 months or 4 issues) and immediate open access for our subscribers. For more information of individual or institutional subscription, please refer to
Call for papers
Gerontechnology receives papers from diversified fields including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults, addressing problems of the aging society though solutions to the same problem may be from entirely different technological fields. Please submit your valuable manuscripts online through

If you have any questions, please contact Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology at:

For more information about Gerontechnology, please visit

Copyright © |2016|12|International Society for Gerontechnology|, All rights reserved.

Gerontechnology, the official journal of International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG), was founded in 2001. This is the first international scientific journal devoted to the domain of gerontechnology. Gerontechnology Vol 16, No 4 is fully published now. The printed copies will be delivered on Feb 13, 2018 to the subscribers. This issue is a special issue guest edited by Prof. Helianthe S.M. Kort, which mainly focuses on healthy building environments for ageing adults. For more details please go to our official website:
The journal uses delayed open access for online research papers (embargo of 12 months or 4 issues) and immediate open access for our subscribers. For more information of individual or institutional subscription, please refer to
Call for papers
Gerontechnology receives papers from diversified fields including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults, addressing problems of the aging society though solutions to the same problem may be from entirely different technological fields. Please submit your valuable manuscripts online through

If you have any questions, please contact Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology at:

For more information about Gerontechnology, please visit

Copyright © |2016|12|International Society for Gerontechnology|, All rights reserved.

Gerontechnology, the official journal of International Society of Gerontechnology (ISG), was founded in 2001. This is the first international scientific journal devoted to the domain of gerontechnology. Gerontechnology Vol 16, No 3 is fully published now. The printed copies will be delivered in November to the subscribers. This issue is a special issue edited by Prof. Dr.-Ing./Univ. Tokio Thomas Bock, which mainly focuses on a multi-disciplinary, multi-partner EU funded research project called REACH: Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare. For more details please go to our official website:
The journal uses delayed open access for online research papers (embargo of 12 months or 4 issues) and immediate open access for our subscribers. For more information of individual or institutional subscription, please refer to
Call for papers
Gerontechnology receives papers from diversified fields including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults, addressing problems of the aging society though solutions to the same problem may be from entirely different technological fields. Please submit your valuable manuscripts online through

If you have any questions, please contact Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology at:

For more information about Gerontechnology, please visit

Copyright © |2016|12|International Society for Gerontechnology|, All rights reserved.

Gerontechnology, the official journal of International Society of Gerontechnology (ISG), was founded in 2001. This is the first international scientific journal devoted to the domain of gerontechnology. Gerontechnology Vol 16, No 2 is partially published online in June, 2017, and fully published now. The printed copies will be delivered in August to the subscribers. This issue includes one editorial, five original research papers, and one case study. For more details please go to our official website:

The journal uses delayed open access for online research papers (embargo of 12 months or 4 issues) and immediate open access for our subscribers. For more information of individual or institutional subscription, please refer to

Call for papers
Gerontechnology receives papers from diversified fields including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults, addressing problems of the aging society though solutions to the same problem may be from entirely different technological fields. Please submit your valuable manuscripts online through

If you have any questions, please contact Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology at:

For more information about Gerontechnology, please visit

Copyright © |2016|12|International Society for Gerontechnology|, All rights reserved.

Gerontechnology, the official journal of International Society of Gerontechnology (ISG), was founded in 2001 as the the first international scientific journal devoted to the domain of technology and ageing. Gerontechnology Vol 16, issue 1 was partially published online in March, 2017 and is fully available now. Printed copies will be delivered to subscribers in May . The present issue includes two literature reviews and four original research papers. For more details please go to our official website: http://journal.

The journal uses delayed open access for online research papers (embargo of 12 months or 4 issues) and immediate open access for subscribers. For more information on individual or institutional subscriptions, please refer to http://journal. subscription.aspx

Promotion activity: Open access to the first 100 readers
To further enhance communication between researchers and readers, we are offering open access to the first 100 readers of this issue. Please contact our editorial office ( if you are interested in any article of this issue. This promotion will end after responding to the first 100 readers’ requests or on May 31th, 2017 , whichever is earlier.

Call for papers
Gerontechnology Journal receives manuscripts covering diverse fields, including health, housing, mobility, communication, leisure, and work of older adults. We accept papers addressing multidisciplinary challenges of the ageing society though solutions to similar problems approached from alternative technological domains. Please submit your manuscripts online at http://journal. .

If you have any questions, please contact Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD, editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology at:

For more information about Gerontechnology, please visit http://journal.

Copyright © |2016|12|International Society for Gerontechnology|, All rights reserved.