Vol. 17, supplement (Created April 2018)Editors:
W. Boot, G. Gutman, W. Kearns, J. Fozard, S. Leong
ISSN: 1569-1101 EISSN: 1569-111X Table of Contents(Open Access)
(Total download counts : 183770)
EditorialWelcome to ISG’s 11th World Conference of Gerontechnology pp1s
W.D. Kearns, G.M. Gutman
( Download counts: 1105 )
KeynotesBlueprint to the longevity marketplace pp2s
M. Furlong
( Download counts: 920 )
Making pervasive computing pervasive pp3s
J. Kaye
( Download counts: 671 )
Leading the way in gerontechnology: New approaches and promising solutions pp4s
A. Mihailidis
( Download counts: 774 )
Let us help you: The development of intelligent socially assistive robots as the next generation of healthcare helpers pp5s
G. Nejat
( Download counts: 702 )
From cars to care: Providing context to the Internet-of-Things and how Industry 4.0 will revolutionise future healthcare pp6s
P. Webster
( Download counts: 815 )
Presidential SymposiumBuilding creative gerontechnology research funding to support international collaborations. Participants: E. Femia (USA), N. Maglaveras (GR), A. Sixsmith (CN) pp7s
W. Kearns (Convener)
( Download counts: 4528 )
Submitted SymposiaAn integrative approach to understand the use of technology to support functional autonomy in cognitively impaired older adults. Participants: M. Couture (Canada), P. Belchior (Canada), N. Bier (Canada), M. Lussier (Canada) pp11s
N. Bier, P. Belchior (Co-conveners)
( Download counts: 4706 )
Social and cyber-connectedness in age-friendly communities. Participants: K. Black (USA), S. Golant (USA), M. Stynchula (USA) pp16s
K. Black (Convener)
( Download counts: 781 )
Caregiver-centred design of gerontechnologies for supporting unpaid care in the community. Participants: O. Atoyebi (Canada), M. Leslie (Canada), J. Boger (Canada) pp20s
J.Boger (Convener)
( Download counts: 895 )
Insights into the measurement of mobile device proficiency across cultures. Participants: A. Petrovčič (SIovenia), W.R. Boot (USA), N.A. Roque (USA) pp24s
W.R. Boot (Convener)
( Download counts: 814 )
Use of gerontechnology to support “successful aging”. Participants: W. R. Boot (USA), S. J. Czaja (USA), W. A. Rogers(USA), J. Sharit(USA), H-W. Wahl (Germany), J-S. Yoon (South Korea) pp28s
N. Charness (Convener)
( Download counts: 921 )
From user integration to usage: recent findings and evidence from Germany. Participants: B. Klein (Germany), H. Kunemund (Germany), S. Merkel (Germany), H.-W. Wahl (Germany) pp34s
H. Kunemund (Convener)
( Download counts: 1152 )
Technology design to support successful aging with disability. Participants: J. Sanford (USA), M. Harris (USA), M. Gandy (USA), C. Rebola (USA), C. Consel (France) pp39s
W. Rogers (Convener)
( Download counts: 997 )
Technology, innovation, and the emerging silver economy. Participants: V. Dolnicar (SI), M. Setinc (SI), T. Burnik (SI), A. Petrovčič (SI), N. Berzelak (SI), A. Sixsmith (CA), S. Mueller (DE), A. Tinker (UK), A. Young (UK) pp44s
A. Sixsmith (Convener)
( Download counts: 861 )
Three new approaches to medication adherence to ensure a better self. Participants: A. Sterns (USA), H. Kort (Netherlands), K. Crossland (USA), H. Sterns, Discussant (USA) pp48s
A. Sterns (Convener)
( Download counts: 828 )
An ICT community standard supporting older adults and caregivers, integrating social services and healthcare. Participants: J. Ackerman (USA), P. Freddolino (USA), D. Wishart (USA) pp52s
D.J. Wishart (Convener)
( Download counts: 939 )
Papers: Acceptance and UsePersonal goals in later life: Opportunities and innovation for an aging society pp56s
M.S. Bernardes, R.Y.D. Carretta, H.T.A. Khan, C.S. Santana
( Download counts: 745 )
Older people’s user patterns of mobile phones in South Africa pp57s
J.R. Hoffman, V. Roos, A. Stols, D.M. Bohman
( Download counts: 695 )
How to empower old people to join the digitalization of services? pp58s
S. Kaijanen, L. Stenberg
( Download counts: 8098 )
ICT enhanced learning for older adults: Influencing factors on satisfaction and the role of learning motivation pp59s
A-M. Lipphardt, P. Held, E. Leen-Thomele, L. Hain
( Download counts: 650 )
A dynamical framework for understanding changes and stability in the use of technologies by independent-living seniors pp60s
S.T.M. Peek, K.G. Luijkx, H.J.M. Vrijhoef, M.E. Nieboer, S. Aarts, C.S. van der Voort, M.D. Rijaard, E.J.M. Wouters
( Download counts: 1051 )
Investigating smartphone acceptance factors among seniors with structural equation modelling pp61s
A. Petrovčič, J. Berzelak, T. Burnik, S. Taipale, V. Dolničar
( Download counts: 688 )
Training of older workers to use technologies: Impact and satisfaction pp62s
T.M. Raymundo, C.S. Santana
( Download counts: 787 )
Identifying factors for personalized strategies to motivate seniors to adopt a more active lifestyle pp63s
C.A.L. Valk, M.C. Wintermans, Y. Lu, M.M. Bekker, R.G.A. Brankaert
( Download counts: 841 )
Papers: Big Issues in GerontechnologyOlder adults’ willingness to use emerging technologies pp64s
T. Kaadylak, R.V. Rikard, S.R. Cotten
( Download counts: 743 )
Digital ageing policies of Korea in the fourth Industrial Revolution age pp65s
J. Ko
( Download counts: 628 )
Ethics in Gerontechnology, past, present and future pp66s
A. Tinker
( Download counts: 789 )
Exploring the potential of smart cities in the design of age-friendly urban environments pp67s
R. Woolrych, J. Sixsmith, M. Makita, J. Fisher, R. Lawthom
( Download counts: 937 )
Papers: Cognition, Dementia, and InterventionDataDay: Digital daily support for people living with dementia pp68s
A.J. Astell, E. Dove, C. Morland, S. Donovan
( Download counts: 618 )
TATOO – Touchscreen Assessment TOOL for assessing the older adult's functions while operating the touch screen pp69s
A. Danial-Saad, L. Chiari
( Download counts: 4097 )
Point of therapeutic care: Collaborative digital art network pp70s
M. Heemskerk, A. Randhawa
( Download counts: 639 )
The power of digital storytelling: Benefits and opportunities for people living with dementia pp71s
H. Owens, D. Kaufman
( Download counts: 724 )
Impact of digital storytelling experience among people living with dementia pp72s
Y. Pan, N. Simonian, R. Beleno, L. Liu, D Kaufman, A. Astell
( Download counts: 698 )
The effectiveness of social activity model for dementia prevention and the needs for developing smart care programs in Korea pp73s
Y.R. Park, K.S. Park, S.Y. Hong
( Download counts: 692 )
Evaluating older adult’s brain health: preliminary results from a clinical trial using novel EEG technology pp74s
M. Roberts, C. Vandeweerd, J. Lowenkron, A. Yalcin, E. Sappington
( Download counts: 676 )
Computer-based intervention effects on cognitive functions in older population: Cohort study in São Paulo – Brazil pp75s
A.P. Vicentin, A.C. Bonilha, S. Andreoni, C. Lamoth, L.R. Ramos
( Download counts: 742 )
Papers: DesignCOBALT, TUNGSTEN, and THAW: New tools for engaging older adults as technology experts pp76s
A.J. Astell, J. Andrews, M. Bennion, D. Clayton, E. Dove, M.P. Ellis, F. Hwang, C. Mcgrath, E.A. Williams
( Download counts: 718 )
Designing for a diversity of older people in Brazil and the UK pp77s
P. Castro, D.M. Frolich, G.A. Martins, C. Lim, R.P. Fortes
( Download counts: 719 )
Design recommendations for a self-care app to be used by people with cognitive challenges pp78s
A. Dilara, A. Hernandez, A. Astell
( Download counts: 698 )
Designing a model app for older persons with cognitive impairment – insights from a usability perspective pp79s
J. Frogren, M. Quitana, P. Anderberg, J.S. Berglund, M. Garolera
( Download counts: 1153 )
Better together: Enhancing technology through collaborative design pp80s
L. Loiselle, J. Krul
( Download counts: 778 )
Participatory processes as a strategy to create a training test for attentional processes in older adults pp81s
C.I. Rojas, D.F. Jimenez
( Download counts: 673 )
Exploring the fit between older adults and smartphone use to inform design and practical application pp82s
B.A. Walker, N. Azzarito, K. Brown, D. Burchfield, K. Eberly, N. Meert, M. Sears
( Download counts: 679 )
Papers: Internet and Social MediaThe next step in studying social media usage and loneliness: developing a questionnaire to assess social media usage in older age pp83s
S. Aarts
( Download counts: 725 )
The role of internet technology in social integration and end-of-life planning of LGBT older adults pp84s
G. Gutman, S. Mock, B. De Vries, A. Humble. J. Gahagan, L. Chamberland, J. Fast, E. Walker
( Download counts: 637 )
Are mid-air gestures perceived as strenuous when used to interact with mobile technology by older adults? pp85s
N. Mana, O. Mich, M. Ferron
( Download counts: 693 )
Behavioural analysis based on IoT home sensors pp86s
N. Mora, G. Matrella, P. Ciampolini
( Download counts: 4176 )
Cruelty on social networking sites: greater sensitivity of older adults pp88s
B.R. Szymanski, J.E. Pachankis, H.Q. Lin, B.R. Levy
( Download counts: 594 )
Not all classrooms have four walls: Analysing experiences of senior citizens using novel smartphone technology pp89s
M.C. Wintermans, C.A.L. Valk, R.G.A. Brankaert, Y. Lu
( Download counts: 4184 )
Papers: Personal mobilityEnhanced control to improve navigation and manipulation of power wheelchairs pp91s
A. Aguirrezabal,, D. Ashley, R. Alqasemi, S. Carey, S. Sundarrao, R. Dubey
( Download counts: 634 )
Visual exploration with PCA dimension reduction to support fall-risk assessment of community-dwelling elderly pp92s
H.T. Chang, C.H. Hwang, C.C. Hsieh, C.H. Lee, C. Pei, T.L. Sun
( Download counts: 1229 )
A water-on-floor detection system for the elderly and the visually impaired pp93s
R. Estrada, Y. Delahoz, G. Johson, M. Labrador
( Download counts: 595 )
Integrated design of smart leisure electric bicycle for middle-aged adults pp94s
H.M. Hua, W.M. Wang, C.Y. Wang, Y.R. Wu, P.H. Chen
( Download counts: 574 )
Gait enhancing mobile shoe pp95s
D.E. Huizenga, I. Handzic, R. Edgeworth, M. Lazinski, T. Ramakrishnan, D. Rose, S.H. Kim, K.B. Reed
( Download counts: 577 )
MySidewalk – Incentivized crowdsourcing to improve walkable communities pp96s
K. Madanagopal, M. Erraguntla, R. Mayer
( Download counts: 526 )
Crutch tip that provides assistive motion based on downward force pp97s
F. Rasouli, K.B. Reed
( Download counts: 577 )
Papers: RoboticsEvaluating the potential of socially assistive robots for healthy older adults pp98s
L. Dupuy, W.A. Rogers
( Download counts: 698 )
A privacy paradox: Potential barriers and benefits of telepresence robot use among older adults pp100s
J. Francis, S.A. Hussain, S.R. Cotten
( Download counts: 881 )
From a tool to a companion - Evaluation on the effect of a robotic user interface for a voice-command companion robot pp101s
J. Sebastian, Y. Colindres, Y.L. Hsu
( Download counts: 925 )
Talking to the home: IT infrastructure for a cloud-based robotic home smart-assistant pp102s
J. Sebastian, Y-L. Hsu
( Download counts: 611 )
Papers: Safety and RehabilitationEveryday rehabilitation supported by technology pp103s
E.H. Aspnes
( Download counts: 585 )
Design and development of a wrist-hand orthosis for individuals with a spinal cord injury pp104s
A. Gatto, S. Carey, S. Sundarrao
( Download counts: 635 )
Assisting persons with speech impediments using Recurrent Neural Networks pp105s
R. Mounir, R. Alqasemi, R. Dubey
( Download counts: 670 )
Redesigning the rehabilitative goal-setting process in geriatric rehabilitation by supporting shared decision-making pp106s
A.A.G. Sponselee, T. Van De Geijn, G. Willems
( Download counts: 590 )
Papers: Sensors and MonitoringUnsupervised behavior change detection using passive sensor systems in the homes of older adults pp107s
G. Aden-Buie, A. Yalcin, C. Vandeweerd
( Download counts: 584 )
Wandering behaviours among older adults with cognitive impairment pp108s
M. Bowen, M. Rowe
( Download counts: 631 )
Ambient assisted living platforms for aging in place: lessons learned from a field study pp109s
L. Dupuy, H. Sauzéon
( Download counts: 656 )
Concerns and tradeoffs in privacy and safety of sensor-based monitoring of older people living at home pp110s
H. Ehrari, CJ Langberg, H.B. Andersen
( Download counts: 620 )
Longitudinal analysis of ALF resident wandering using real-time location services: Results of a yearlong study pp111s
W.D. Kearns, J.L. Fozard, A. Kumar
( Download counts: 586 )
Monitoring night wandering in persons with dementia using smart home technology pp112s
F. Knoefel, B. Wallace, T. Nasser El Harake, N. Valech, B. Toonders, R. Goubran
( Download counts: 664 )
Using a video monitoring system at home to observe person-environment interactions pp113s
N. Lapierre, J. Meunier, J. Filiatrault, A.S.T. Arnaud, M-H. Paquin, C. Duclos, l. Dubreucq, H. Moffet, M. Morin, M-H. Milot, C. Dumoulin, J. Rousseau
( Download counts: 656 )
Insight into intraindividual variability in life space via GPS monitoring of daily activity pp114s
S.T. Mejía, K.E. Nielsen, H. Zainulbhai, A. Carmichael, V. Raichur, R. Gonzalez
( Download counts: 543 )
IoT for active and healthy ageing: The ACTIVAGE DS-RER project pp115s
S. Nunziata, G. Matrella, N. Mora, M. Girolami, D. Russo, P. Barsocchi, A. Carboni, S. Woerner, B. Jansen, E. Montanari, F. Cocchi, N. Campanini, M.R. Spada, P. Ciampolini
( Download counts: 692 )
An intelligent video monitoring system: From an idea to the home implementation to detect falls pp117s
J. Rousseau, J. Meunier, A.S.T. Arnaud, N. Lapierre
( Download counts: 638 )
A machine learning approach to recognizing indoor activities based on the detection of environmental change pp118s
K. Tamamizu, S. Sakkibara, S. Saiki, M. Nakamura, K. Yasuda
( Download counts: 621 )
Surveillance for dementia safety: unclear categories and old designs pp119s
Y. Vermeer, P. Higgs, G. Charlesworth
( Download counts: 606 )
Papers: Social RoboticsExploring older adult concerns regarding acceptance and use of social companion robots pp120s
E. Boevers, G. McCall, E. Harrington, H. Do, A.J. Bishop, W. Sheng
( Download counts: 607 )
Older adult interaction with social robots: implications for socio-emotional well-being pp121s
E. Harrington, H.M. Do, G. McCall, H. Boevers, A.J. Bishop, W. Sheng
( Download counts: 571 )
A talking teddy bear for encouraging the elderly to talk with back-channeling pp122s
K. Ishihara, S. Ishihara
( Download counts: 1298 )
Emergent themes in the likes and dislikes of social robots expressed by older adults pp123s
G. McCall, E. Boevers, E. Harrington, A.J. Bishop, H. Do, W. Sheng
( Download counts: 598 )
Papers: Technology for HealthUnderstanding the factors associated with the use of gerontechnology by occupational therapists across Canada pp124s
A. Anoujadoude, P. Belchior, C. Menard, M. Llussier, M. Coyture, L. Demers, C. Auger, H. Pigot, M. Caouette, D. Lussier-Desrochers, N. Bier
( Download counts: 4180 )
CIRCA group programme for dementia: technology delivering cognitive stimulation pp125s
A.J. Astell, S. Potter, E. Preston-Jones, B. Black, S. Simonite, S.K. Smith
( Download counts: 621 )
Cardio-postural assessment: a tool for an aging population pp126s
A.P. Blaber, D. Xu, N. Goswami, K. Tavakolian
( Download counts: 539 )
What to consider when developing gerontechnologies for nursing homes? The perceptions of potential users pp127s
A. Bourbonnais, J. Roussueau, M.H. Lalonde, J. Meunier, N. Lapierre, M.P. Gagnon, D. Trudeau
( Download counts: 640 )
Self-directed learning: Promises and challenges of an online course for dementia caregivers pp128s
H. Chen, J.Y. Shirie, N. An, S.E. Levkoff
( Download counts: 5444 )
Service Navigation System (sNs) – A novel nursing care record system pp129s
R. Fukuda, T. Iwaida
( Download counts: 598 )
Towards empowering caregivers to customizing home assistive support for older adults – A preliminary study of an end-user language for assistive services pp130s
S. Giraud, C. Consel, A. Carteron, N. Volanschi
( Download counts: 521 )
Improving chronic condition self-care management for older adults levering user designed electronic health information technology pp131s
J.N. Haun, M. Chavez, C. Melillo, B.A. Cotner, W. Hathaway
( Download counts: 675 )
Smartphone-based acupressure using augmented reality for senior care pp132s
K-C. Lan, J-X. Zhang, Y-Z. Chen, M-C. Hu
( Download counts: 602 )
At the bedside, what you know and what you don’t know: a 3D dataset for ageing studies pp133s
J. Laurent-Michel, F. Casado
( Download counts: 733 )
Community ASAP – Usability of a localized area alert system for missing older adults pp134s
N. Neubauer, C. Daum, R. Beleno, B. Aloisio, E. Stroulia, L. Liu
( Download counts: 4188 )
A data-driven staffing decision platform for improving nursing care operational excellence pp135s
N. Sakib, X. Sun, C. Meng, N. Kong, C. Msterson, H. Meng, K. Hyer, M. Li
( Download counts: 920 )
The need for new personal alarm systems and implementation lessons pp136s
Y. Schikhof, L.S.G.L. Wwuben
( Download counts: 531 )
E-Health literacy, trust, and online health information consumerism among technogenerians: A question of empowerment pp137s
G. Seckin, J.S. Wyatt, J. Laljer, T. Degreve
( Download counts: 538 )
Digital route to successful aging: Promoting health through information technology pp138s
G. Seckin, T. Degreve, J.S. Wyatt, J. Laljer
( Download counts: 545 )
Diabetes education and intergenerational technology transfer: African American elders using technology to support diabetes self-management pp139s
C.R. Senteio, D. Soltow Hershey, T. Campbell
( Download counts: 4144 )
ICT services for nursing homes – a needs analysis pp140s
M. Sjolinder, A. Avatare Nou, J. Fristedt
( Download counts: 582 )
Using mobile health technologies to support safer client care in the community pp141s
W. Sun, D. Doran
( Download counts: 625 )
Papers: Technology for IndependenceMatching assistive technology to independent-living seniors’ individual needs: challenges and opportunities pp142s
M. Haufe, S.T.M. Peek, K.G. Luijkx
( Download counts: 736 )
Developing and testing an ambient assisted living apartment pp143s
K. Peper, A. Kabouteh, J. Guttler, A. Engler, E. Schulze, T. Linner, C. Pfeifer, T. Bock
( Download counts: 564 )
Using a smart ICT system for supporting elderly at home pp144s
S. Tokunaga, M. Nakamura, M. Otake
( Download counts: 714 )
Technologies used by elderly to support aging in place and their functions: A systematic literature review pp145s
A. Tsertsidis, E. Kolkowska, K. Hedstromh
( Download counts: 2141 )
Papers: Video Games and Virtual RealityUsing virtual reality to promote positive feelings of elderly pp146s
Y. Afacan, J. Onyango
( Download counts: 563 )
Integrating theoretical perspectives: The life course theory of digital gaming and the ICT user typology pp147s
J.L.H. Birkland, J.A. Brown
( Download counts: 4168 )
InTouch: Introducing touchscreen applications to people with advanced dementia through staff-client co-play pp148s
A.M. Hernandez, M. Steele, P. Loganathan, A.J. Astell
( Download counts: 629 )
Evaluating the effectiveness of tailored accessibility settings for people living with dementia in touchscreen games pp149s
P. Joddrell, A.J. Astell
( Download counts: 600 )
An approach with serious exergames for assessment and stimulation of patients with neurocognitive disorders pp150s
G. Sacco, M. Thonnat, G.B. Sadoun, P. Robert
( Download counts: 559 )
Generating personalized dialogue in a Virtual Care Giver for home dementia care pp151s
M. Nakamura, S. Sakakibara, S.Saiki, K. Yasuda, M. Yokota
( Download counts: 914 )
InTouch: People with dementia enjoy touch screen applications pp152s
M. Steele, A. Hernandez, P. Joddrell, E. Dove, A.J. Astell
( Download counts: 494 )
Posters: Health and Self-esteemVoice of our elders: How listening creates better innovation pp153s
R. Collins, P. Barbato
( Download counts: 551 )
E-learning online for caregivers who are unable to leave their homes or jobs easily pp154s
C. Cruikshank
( Download counts: 594 )
Telehealth follow-up of patients with chronic conditions: Implications concerning patient perceived wellbeing pp155s
A. Das, J. Reitan
( Download counts: 594 )
Impacts of a volunteer-based tablet program in adult day centres for people with dementia pp156s
E. Dove, A. Hernandez, K. Cotnam, P. Gural, T. Shearer, M. Steele, A.J. Astell
( Download counts: 7667 )
Teaching and implementing motion-based technologies for people with dementia pp157s
E. Dove, C. Hawco, S. Yonus, A.J. Astell
( Download counts: 575 )
Reliability, Validity and Usability of a digital education and self-assessment app for adults with knee osteoarthritis pp158s
S.M. Flynn, V.Y. Oviedo, W.N. Hoffmann J. Stevens-Lapsley, P. Roberts, S. Bini
( Download counts: 708 )
Literature review: The current levels of understanding of interactive robotics pp160s
S. Frennert
( Download counts: 590 )
The reminding walker cognitive orthotic device: Engineering & functional testing pp161s
P.A. Friedman, B. Schultze, S. Koziol, K. Schubert
( Download counts: 561 )
The influence of participant and intervention characteristics on adherence to technology-based cognitive interventions pp162s
E.R. Harrell, W.R. Boot
( Download counts: 546 )
Design and evaluation of the armrest of an assistive sofa for older adults pp163s
C. Huang, C-L. Chen
( Download counts: 595 )
Is brain training worth it? Exploring predictors of individuals’ willingness to engage in brain games pp164s
B.V. Kmetz, E.R. Harrell, W.R. Boot
( Download counts: 583 )
A usability evaluation of a posture transducer without back pressure pp165s
Y. Lee, W. Shim
( Download counts: 619 )
Technology adoption in older adults: An application of the Transtheoretical Model in the technology domain pp166s
J.M. McMath, M.L. Rice
( Download counts: 2524 )
Virtual agents as social companions: explorations of social presence pp167s
F. Montalvo, M. Dabydeen, V.N. Pineda, E.L. Parkhurst, J.R. Michaelist, D.S. McConnell, D. Gammonley, J.A. Smither
( Download counts: 1414 )
Evaluating the effectiveness of orthoses in adults with rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review pp168s
B. Mott, S. Carey
( Download counts: 598 )
A gesture recognition framework for cognitive assessment pp169s
F. Negin, J. Bourgeois, P. Robert, F. Bremond
( Download counts: 561 )
What do we know about strategies to manage dementia-related wandering? A scoping review pp170s
N. Neubauer, P. Azad-Khaneghah, L. Liu
( Download counts: 554 )
A video-based m-health system incorporating video visits, multidisciplinary care, and social supports pp171s
R-H. Pan, Y-F Chen
( Download counts: 644 )
Online training for the establishment and operation of brain fitness clubs pp172s
E.L. Parkhurst, L. Conner, A.D. Kaplan, E. Olcum, A. Ercolino, J.C. Ferraro, R. Bryan, N. Uszak, F. Montalvo, P. Bargmann, J.A. Smither
( Download counts: 488 )
The stressors in the use of everyday technologies from the perspective of the elderly user: A comparative study of UK and Brazil pp173s
C.S. Santana, G. Leeson
( Download counts: 1219 )
Sense of safety by older adults living alone using a personal alarm system pp174s
C.S. Santana, M.M.C. Bianchi
( Download counts: 641 )
Effect of telemonitoring in the recovery of cataract surgery in elders: Randomized controlled trial pp175s
R.F. Santana, T.M. Delphino, P.A. Souza, R.D. Vaqueiro, T.S. Soares, A.B. Hercules
( Download counts: 617 )
The importance of ethical aspects when implementing eHealth services in healthcare pp176s
L. Skar, S. Soderberg
( Download counts: 4286 )
The Virtual Reality Relax Tour as relaxation tool in community dwelling dementia care pp177s
L. Snaphaan, I. Bongers
( Download counts: 556 )
Are people with dementia motivated for a serious game? pp178s
L. Snaphaan, I. Geerts, L. Burgmans, I. Bongers
( Download counts: 648 )
An evaluation of web-based safe sex education for older divorced women pp179s
P. Weitzman, S. Levkoff
( Download counts: 644 )
Posters: Housing and Daily ActivitiesVR powered wheelchair maneuverability evaluation of an elder care facility pp180s
S. Ishihara, Y. Kawachi, K. Ishihara, A. Kanbe, R. Itsuki
( Download counts: 593 )
A qualitative examination of older adult and family member perceptions of living with intelligent sensors pp181s
C.M. Galambos, M. Rantz, A. Craver, M. Bongiorno, M. Pelts, J.S. Jun
( Download counts: 1435 )
Posters: Late BreakerGrandpa vs. Google: Examining advice seeking preferences in the iGen Generation pp182s
A.L. Bailey, T.F. Waddell
( Download counts: 4316 )
Investigating redundancy in multimodal interaction with tablet devices for older adults pp183s
N. Mana, G. Schiavo, M. Ferron, O. Mich
( Download counts: 7659 )
Guidance from exercise instructors for designing remotely-led classes for older adults with mobility impairments pp184s
S.A. McHlynn, J.Q. Hartley, T.L. Mitzner, W.A. Rogers
( Download counts: 519 )
Elderly-centred guidelines for mHealth apps for food intake pp185s
V. Orso, F. Viero, L. Gamberini
( Download counts: 581 )
Intelligent in-car health monitoring system for elderly drivers pp186s
S.J. Park, S. Hong, D. Kim, Y. Seo, I. Hussain
( Download counts: 665 )
Technology-enhanced adaptive living space for aging-in-place research, education, and patient care pp187s
L.J. Phillips, M.E. Bowen
( Download counts: 4351 )
Ease of use and perceived usefulness of medication reminder apps in aging adults pp188s
M.Y. Shade, N. Manley, J. Boron, K. Kypzyk, C. Pullen
( Download counts: 925 )
Overcoming social isolation through peer support programming: development of a digital prototype pp189s
K.A. Theurer, J. Krul
( Download counts: 650 )
Posters: Transportation and Personal MobilityScreening fall risk with acceleration data pp190s
P. Bet, P.C. Castro, M.A. Ponti
( Download counts: 580 )
Older adults who use GPS: What makes wayfinding easier for them? pp191s
E. Fu, B. Roskos, S. Sickler
( Download counts: 526 )
A low-cost standing aid robot with linear actuators pp192s
S. Ishihara, Y. Tokutomi, M. Nagamachi, K. Morinaga, K. Ishihara, A. Kanbe
( Download counts: 613 )
Pseudo color mapping of foot plantar pressure transition and estimation of ankle flexibility pp193s
R. MiyazakiI, K. Morinaga, S. Ishihara, A. Kanbe, K. Ishihara
( Download counts: 687 )
Design of a wearable airbag system to prevent fall injuries for older adults pp194s
C. Qu, W. Zhang, T. Niu
( Download counts: 1030 )
Review on the development of technology for protecting older adults from injury caused by accidental falls pp195s
W.L. Zhang, C. Qu
( Download counts: 733 )
Posters: Work and LeisureUsing somatosensory games to improve the health of the elderly in the community pp196s
D-R. Chen
( Download counts: 595 )
Elderly people, video games and accessibility - When old, I will (still) be a gamer pp197s
J. Dupire, A.A. Sponselee
( Download counts: 709 )
Innovation university interdisciplinary courses design and care service of older adults pp198s
H.M. Hua, T.S. Sheu, Y.R. Wu
( Download counts: 632 )
Touchscreen game play in Chinese Mandarin-speaking persons living with dementia pp199s
Y. Pan, C. Xiong, A.J. Astell
( Download counts: 651 )
Round TablesBeyond master classes: Other innovative opportunities for training in gerontechnology. Participants A. Sixsmith (Canada), Y-L Hsu (Taiwan) H. Kort (Netherlands) pp200s
G. Gutman (Convener)
( Download counts: 576 )
Celebrating the many contributions of Dr. Neil Charness, ISG's Newest Grandmaster. Participants A. Sixsmith (Canada), Y-L Hsu (Taiwan) H. Kort (Netherlands) pp201s
J.L. Fozard & W. Boot (Convenor)
( Download counts: 569 )
The evolving role of ISG chapters amid challenges managing non-profit member organizations. Participants H. Kort (Netherlands), G. Gutman (Canada), N. Bier (Canada), Y. Hsu (Taiwan), H. Kuenemund (Germany), Y-R Park (Korea) pp202s
C. M. Galambos (Convenor)
( Download counts: 638 )