Assistive technology: Some lessons from the Netherlands
A. Tinker, C. McCreadie, P. Lansley
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AbstractThe authors have just completed a study of assistive technology (AT) and how it can be introduced into the existing homes of older people. As part of this empirical study some collaboration with the Netherlands took place for two reasons. First to learn about the use of assistive technology from a
country where its creative use was well established and second to learn how older people influence policy. Two Dutch consultants helped the team and a short visit was paid to Eindhoven. As a result of this collaboration new ways of using AT were found and comparisons made with the policy and legislative background. In addition lessons were drawn about the involvement of older people.Keywords: assistive technology; housing; adaptations; older people; smart housing
A. Tinker, C. McCreadie, P. Lansley (2003). Assistive technology: Some lessons from the Netherlands. Gerontechnology, 2(4), 332-337