How to measure the effect of reminiscence group therapy on mute people with dementia?: A trial using a facial emotion recognition method
X. Y. Liu, R. Yamazaki, H. Kase
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AbstractReminiscence group therapy (RGT) is widely used for non-pharmacological dementia treatment. In previous studies, questionnaires and laboratory tests have been used to verify the effects of the therapy. With the application of facial expression recognition tools, it is possible to perform analysis in a noncontact, objective, and efficient way. In our study, we used this approach by substituting linguistic analysis for additional validation in one tracheotomized participant among eight RGT people with dementia (PWDs). This study investigated whether RGT positively affected mute PWD based on non-verbal information and evaluated the role of facial expression recognition tools for human-human or human-robot groups in RGT.Keywords: dementia, reminiscence group therapy, facial emotion recognition
X. Y. Liu, R. Yamazaki, H. Kase (2022). How to measure the effect of reminiscence group therapy on mute people with dementia?: A trial using a facial emotion recognition method. Gerontechnology, 21(s),1-1