The role of multimedia in training the elderly to acquire operational skills of a digital camera
D-Y.M. Lin, C-T.J. Hsieh
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AbstractUniversal access has been a central issue in enhancing digital welfare for the elderly. The present study approached this goal by examining the role of multimedia as a training tool for older adults in learning to use a digital camera. Thirty older subjects aged over 65 participated in an experiment that employed multimedia training and task complexity as a within- and between-subject factor, respectively. Displaying operation procedures with animation, narration and static visuals defined the three treatments of multimedia, while task complexity varied by simple and difficult levels of operations. Training performance was evaluated by the time required to successfully complete the operations and the number of requests for help, both assessed by hands-on tests. Results indicated that animation and narration enabled the older subject to complete the tasks significantly faster than the static visuals but only when complex tasks were trained. Animation also resulted in the lowest need for the subjects to resort to hints during successful completion of the hands-on operations. It was suggested that computer-aided training for the elderly should be towards the use of multimedia presentation par-ticularly when complex tasks are to be learned.Keywords: multimedia; cognitive aging; computer-aided training
D-Y.M. Lin, C-T.J. Hsieh (2006). The role of multimedia in training the elderly to acquire operational skills of a digital camera. Gerontechnology, 5(2), 68-77