Vol. 16, No. 1 (Created March 2017)Editor-in-chief:
Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD
Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department
Director, Gerontechnology Research Center, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Email: yehlianghsu@gmail.com
ISSN: 1569-1101 EISSN: 1569-111X Table of Contents(Open Access)
(Total download counts : 37755)......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ReviewThe application of technologies in dementia diagnosis and intervention: A literature review pp1-11
E. Brando, R. Olmedo, C. Solares
( Download counts: 808 )
A review of web-based chronic disease self-management for older adults pp12-20
J.D. Portz
( Download counts: 647 )
OriginalOlder users’ acceptance of an assistive robot: Attitudinal changes following brief exposure pp21-36
J.M. Beer, A. Prakash, C.A. Smarr, T.L. Chen, K. Hawkins,H. Nguyen, T. Deyle, T.L. Mitzner, C.C. Kemp, W.A. Rogers
( Download counts: 13636 )
Experiences of people with dementia playing causal games on a tablet pp37-47
H. Groenewoud, J. de Lange, Y. Schikhof, A. Astell, P. Joddrell, M. Goumans
( Download counts: 781 )
Developing a web-based platform to foster end-of-life planning among LGBT older adults pp48-55
R. Beringer, G. Gutman, B. de Vries
( Download counts: 5136 )
Digital storytelling: A tool for social connectedness pp56-61
S. Sehrawat, C.A. Jones, J. Orlando, T. Bowers, A. Rubins
( Download counts: 14943 )
NewsGerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit, 16-18 June 2017, Hong Kong pp62-62
B. Au
( Download counts: 1804 )