Vol. 20, No. 1 (Created August 2020)
Yeh-Liang Hsu PhD
Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department
Director, Gerontechnology Research Center, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Email: yehlianghsu@gmail.com
ISSN: 1569-1101 EISSN: 1569-111X
Table of Contents
(Open Access)

(Total download counts : 24062)......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ReviewFeasibility, acceptance, and impact of socially assistive robots in non-drug interventions with people with dementia: A scoping review pp1-25

Catharina Wasić MSc*, Anna Pendergrass PhD, Hans-Joachim Böhme PhD, Frank Bahrmann Dip, Elmar Graessel PhD
( Download counts: 3371 )
Original ResearchDesign guidance for video chat system to support social engagement for older adults with and without mild cognitive impairment pp1-15

Qiong Nie MS, Lydia T. Nguyen PhD, Dillon Myers BS, Alan Gibson MS, Chantal Kerssens PhD, Raksha A. Mudar PhD CCC-SLP, Wendy A. Rogers PhD*
( Download counts: 717 )
Usability testing of a tablet-based self-management application for older adults with T2DM: The ASSISTwell application pp1-13

Mohammad Y. Alkawaldeh PhD RN MSN*, Cynthia S. Jacelon PhD RN-BC CRRN FGSA FAAN, Jeungok Choi PhD RN MPH
( Download counts: 793 )
Exploring tangible user interface for social interaction and quality of life: The experiences of home-dwelling older adults pp1-16

Way Kiat Bong PhD*, Weiqin Chen PhD, Astrid Bergland PhD
( Download counts: 792 )
Older adults’ use of self-monitoring technology within the context of their daily experiences pp1-10

Shannon T. Mejía PhD*, Tuan Pham PhD, Ronald Metoyer PhD, Karen Hooker PhD
( Download counts: 1385 )
Process evaluation of the FindMyApps program trial among people with dementia or MCI and their caregivers based on the MRC guidance pp1-15

Kim M. Beentjes MS, Yvonne J.F. Kerkhof MS, David P. Neal MB BChir MA Cantab, Teake P. Ettema PhD, Mylène A. Koppelle BS, Franka J.M. Meiland PhD, Maud Graff PhD, Rose-Marie Dröes PhD*
( Download counts: 599 )
Older adults’ experience with and barriers to learning new technology: A focus group study pp1-17

Hongyang Liu PhD, Sharon Joines PhD*
( Download counts: 15767 )
Case StudyThe effects of MARIO, a social robot, on the resilience of people with dementia: A multiple case study pp1-16

Sally Whelan MA RGN*, Megan Burke MA, Eva Barrett PhD, Arlene Mannion PhD, Tanja Kovacic PhD, Adam Santorelli PhD, Barbara Luz Oliveira PhD, Louise Gannon MA RGN, Edel Shiel MA RGN, Dympna Casey MA BA RGN PhD
( Download counts: 638 )