ISG Journal
The International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG)

is devoted to designing technology and environment for independent living and social participation of older persons in good health, comfort and safety.


The aim of this peer-reviewed journal is to provide a forum for reporting original research, review papers, and personal perspectives on the broad area of fitting technological environments to support changing life goals and lifestyle preferences into advanced age. Research outcomes reported in the Journal form the basis - for designers, architects, standards developers, builders, engineers, marketeers, manufacturers, medical doctors, pharmacists, decision makers, and related professionals in the health, social, business and technology professions - to provide the proper environment for the greatest number of people in society.


ISG encourages and promotes technological innovations in products and services that address older peoples’ ambitions and needs on the basis of scientific knowledge about ageing processes including cultural and individual differences.


ISG works toward the realization of a society fully served by technology that is as accessible to ageing people as it is to people in younger generations.


Innovative technology that serves an enabling role for ageing people by:

  • Maintaining their independence and equality including considerations of residence, mobility, safety, security, communication, activities, and quality of life,
  • Supporting their well-being and health as defined by the WHO,
  • Realising their individual and collective/social ambitions and needs,
  • Keeping them embedded in their changing socio-cultural environment,
  • Enhancing their dignity,
  • Supporting their caregivers.

  • Advancing world-wide communication between scientific, technological, and social disciplines relevant to human ageing in a sustainable society, through a variety of means including international and regional conferences, an international peer-reviewed journal, and an Internet forum.
  • Establishing and improving university and professional education in gerontechnology by textbook and Internet-based educational material, curricula, courses, and master classes.
  • Supporting the introduction of gerontechnology into a wide range of disciplines and professions that impact on the well-being and quality of life of ageing people.
  • Advancing learning opportunities for older adults to use new technology.
  • Applying insights from ageing processes to technological innovations.
  • Encouraging technological innovations that meet ambitions and needs of people who age.

  • All articles published in Gerontechnology are immediately open access to public upon publication and freely to download on our journal website.
  • Biannual international conferences.
  • International ISG Master Classes for young scientists.