ISG Journal

Peer Review Process

This journal follows a double blind peer review process. Peer reviewing will be exercised on scientific contributions, such as review articles (2 peers), contributions on original research or design (at least 2 peers for full papers and 1 for shorter communications), and best practices (1 peer). Provide in your cover e-mail full contact information (e-mail and mailing addresses) of at least three potential peer-referees. The list should not name current or prior collaborators. You are also free to list persons whom you wish to be excluded from the review process. The editors will make the final choice of reviewing peers. Comments of peers will be communicated to the corresponding author of the manuscript. After peer review, the acting editor will inform the corresponding author as to the changes or corrections that are needed before publication can take place. The authors should submit the updated manuscript within 2 weeks when minor corrections are required, or 6 weeks after major changes. When the updated manuscript is not received after this time period, it is considered as new submission of a previously rejected manuscript.

Article Processing Charge (APC)

All articles published in Gerontechnology are immediately open access to public upon publication and freely to download on our journal website. This is made possible by an article-processing charge (APC) of 600 Euro that covers the range of publishing services we provide. The APC payable for an article is agreed as part of the manuscript submission process in the journal handling system. Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be notified that payment is due and need to arrange payment then. Please note that an article will not be processed until APC is received. Upon payment of APC, the first/corresponding author (only one) automatically becomes a member of the International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG) for one year. If the first/corresponding author is already an ISG member, the APC is reduced to 500 Euro. For the benefits of ISG membership , please refer to

Copyright Notice

Copyright protection. Authors submitting manuscripts do so upon the understanding that the work is unpublished, is not being considered for publication elsewhere, and has been checked and approved by all co-authors. The submission of the manuscript by the authors means that they automatically agree to assign exclusive copyright to the International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG), if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication. The work shall not be published elsewhere in any language without the written consent of ISG. The articles published in this journal are protected by copyright, which covers translation rights and the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute all of the articles printed in the journal. No material published in the journal may be stored on microfilm or videocassettes or in electronic databases and the like, or reproduced photographically, without the prior written permission of ISG. However, the ISG permits authors to reproduce their contributions on their own website for non-commercial purposes, provided a link is made to the content page of the issue in which the contribution appeared.

The Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) by Creative Commons license is instituted on the accepted article. Conditions of this licence may be summarized as follows: (1) Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use; (2) NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. For more details, please go to